Meet the members of Buddy and the Scarecrow. With a rich history of friendship and collaboration of over twenty five years, they come together in their latest project to delight us with their timeless songs and exciting interplay that only comes from years of playing with each other.

// bass
Bulloch has been playing bass with Kushner and Tidswell in many outfits dating back over 25 years. He is steady as a rock and puts out a smooth bass groove that provides the low end boom for Buddy and the Scarecrow.
Gary has played most venues in town including BC Place, Arts Club, The Venue, 86st Plaza of Nations, Fairview, Commodore Ballroom, Media Club, Jericho Army Garrison, Whiterock Outdoor Sea-Fest, The Boot Pub Whistler, Pemberton Pub, The Royal in Nelson, and Edmonton Cree Casino.
MATHIAS Wolfsohn
// keyboards + guitar + vocals
Wolfsohn studied at ICA Recording Institute and is the “ears” of the band. He, Gary and Brad went to Churchill High School together in Vancouver, BC and have played in bands together since then. Wolfsohn is a multi instrumentalist who brings piano, organ, acoustic guitar to name a few instruments, to the table depending on what the palate requires.
// vocals+ guitar
A prolific songwriter/guitarist, Kushner has a unique ability to write catchy songs that are often uplifting. He and fellow founding bandmate Brad Tidswell have penned most of the songs for Buddy and the Scarecrow. Kushner’s rock vocals are a perfect match with Tidwell’s smooth voice and they share the fronting responsibility of the band.
//vocals + guitar
Tidswell has been partnering with Kushner for over 30 years now, writing songs and helping front musical acts. Tidwell’s beautiful voice along with his incredible talent on guitar are a big part of the sound of Buddy and the Scarecrow. Tidswell and Kushner have been referred to as the “psychedelic Blue Rodeo”, comparing how their vocals work together similar to Jim Cuddy and Greg Keelor.
// drums
A gifted drummer, Peters studied music at Cap College in his earlier years and it shows in his masterful drumming and ability to play multiple instruments fluently. Noel joined Tidswell and Kushner in their band Noah’s Great Rainbow in the 90s and has been playing with the members of Buddy and the Scarecrow in different outfits ever since.